About Sam’s Bees

I’m Sam Eger and I’m a hobby Beekeeper here in North Georgia. I started raising honey bees in early 2020 to help pollinate fruit trees that I planted on my property in Cumming, GA. During that period of time I learned how effective the honey bee is when it comes to pollinating fruit trees. I also learned about the challenges that the honey bee has been running into and I have been determined to help increase their population so that they can eventually become resistant to the plagues that have been causing colonies to collapse.

Helping the Honey Bee Survive. Learning how to keep bees during COVID lockdowns was a bit of a challenge but I was able to do whatever was needed to ensure that my bees survived their first winter under my watch. In the last couple of decades the honey bee has been plagued by three major pests, the Varroa mite, the Small Hive Beetle, and the Wax Moth. Back in the 80s the honey bee was able to live in the wild and survive with little to no human intervention. Unfortunately until the Honey Bee can gain resistance to these three plagues, in order for them to survive, Beekeepers need to continue providing the honey bee with a helping hand.

Proceeds used for saving the Honey Bee. Caring for honey bees requires both time and money and the proceeds from the sale of their honey will go to pay for needed equipment and supplies. I also use funds to donate bees and equipment to new beekeepers on a fixed income to help increase the bee population and introduce them to this wonderful hobby.

Unique flavor of monthly harvests. Most Beekeepers will harvest all their honey at the end of the season to save costs but after I discovered that honey has different flavor and colors depending on when it’s harvested, I decided to harvest small amounts of honey once a month throughout the spring and summer to capture these unique flavors. As you may have noticed the honey I sell is labeled with a month. This is the month that each specific honey was harvested. I invite you to try a couple of different harvests so you can enjoy the uniqueness.

Cured my Seasonal Allergies. The silver lining of my becoming a Beekeeper was that even though I couldn’t find anything online to prove it, consuming the raw honey from my bees appears to have cured me of my seasonal allergies. I am also aware of a handful of my customers who swear that my honey has helped them with their seasonal allergies. I don’t like making claims without evidence to prove it but I understand how this may have been made possible. See when I harvest and extract my honey I take great care to not heat it up to avoid killing the enzymes that make raw honey valuable and I also only filter up to 400 microns ensuring that you don’t get any large particles of beeswax. However, by filtering only up to 400 microns small particles of pollen picked up by my bees can still make it into the honey I sell. The theory I’ve read is that by consuming raw honey throughout the year you are slowly introducing your body to small amounts of pollen. This apparently helps build immunity before allergy season begins. I invite you to at least try and see if my raw honey can help you with your seasonal allergies.

Glass Mason Jars, Why? I store, sell, and ship my raw honey in Mason Jars for a few reasons. The main reason is that with stories about plastics leaching chemicals into food products, I prefer to use glass for its safety. Raw Unpasteurized Honey will tend to crystalize after a period of time and to turn it back to liquid form all you need to do is place your Mason Jar in the Sun and watch it go back to liquid form without overheating it and killing the valuable enzymes. The last reason I have for using Mason Jars is that they can be reused multiple times, for a whole array of purposes. For example, we use our 18oz Mason Jars as drinking glasses. Plus if you want to re-use your Mason Jar you can easily buy some Wide Mouth Lids and use them for canning other foods.

Prices and Free Shipping. My prices may seem a bit on the high side but please take into account that the price includes shipping costs which are continuously increasing. I want to make sure that you know up front what your cost is without being surprised by a very high shipping cost.